Saturday, 20 September 2014

A search for new possibilities in the great mystery of earning money

A hell of a lot has been going on in the world of Anna since we last spoke. Here's a quick stripped down catch up:
  • Started attending a local public speaking self help group (for ladies only)
  • Attended a Quaker meeting (Technically 2, although one was a film about Benjamin Britten)
  • Applied for a job at a local supermarket, with values that overlap a great deal with my own 
  • Went to London and stayed with my worldly and opinionated uncle 
  • In London spent time with Eunji (Ein Hashloasha reunion) and her friend, from her home town in South Korea.
  • Prepared a creative and insightful speech on 'rubbish' for my speakers group and practised my rubbish speech regularly 
  • Came down with a cold 
  • Had to postpone my first speech performance to focus on getting better and avoid passing on my germs to the lovely ladies of Garstang
  • Started learning a little bit of Spanish everyday (Duolingo is a fantastic app!)
  • Had an interview for the aforementioned job 
  • Genuinely enjoyed being interviewed for the first time, ever.
  • Took my Ukulele up on stage with me to sing a song for the first time  
  • Ended up with yet another one of those, oh so familiar, "you've been unsuccessful" emails, after my interview
As you might already be able to tell, its been quite the mix of highs and lows. At the moment I've got this underlying feeling of frustration.  Once again my attempts  to gain that necessary evil that makes the world go round, money, has fallen at the last hurdle.  I truly believe I gave them my all and for once managed to get that opportunity, to show myself beyond a collection of carefully formed and ordered letters in black and white. It still didn't work out.

I've already emailed and asked for the reason why I wasn't successful.  It's important to learn form these things but I have my suspicions that's it's to do with the lack of grounding commitments in my life.  Things to make me stay working at that same place.  I'm a bit too flexible.  A unpredictable risky investment if you like (my inner economist does make an appearance once in a while). 

I came across this quote in a TED Talk
Short of telling lies about how I like to live my life,  I don't see how I can beat this overriding need for security, in the employers available to me in my local area.   Valuing honesty and integrity so highly, I like to try and keep lies (that do not serve as art) consciously avoided in my life.   

So its time to try something new, do something differently.  To me there seems to be two possible options either I try finding or creating different kinds of money earning opportunities, aka a different type of job in a different market or I move to a city where there tend to be openly short term or temporary jobs on offer.  Maybe even a combination of both is necessary.   

Each comes with its own trials and tribulations but I'd love to hear if any of you out there,  have any ideas you could throw my way on the subject?  Any ideas at all.The sublime, the ridiculous,  the comical, or even those that might seem down right obvious to you, all have the potential to spark some trail of inspiration in the right direction.  I'm not sure if you guys will respond to this or not, but I hope you do. I encourage you to leave a comment, email or Facebook message if you've got any insight into the world of earning money you'd like to share.  

Here's a link to the TED talk I got the quote from if you're interested:Mac Barnett: Why a good book is a secret door

My lovely Korean friends experience a Full English Breakfast.