Having spent all of yesterday lounging around trying to recover from the fun of turning 24, with my lovely friends on Friday night, I am going to make my 3rd day of 24 a productive one!
So far I have skipped over the whole religious/land based conflict in Israel and Palestine. Mainly because I'm not sure I actually understand it but here goes...
After the Second World War the Jews sought, with the help of the British, to secure a homeland. Somewhere they weren't going to be denied entry, thrown out, locked up or massacred...this seems reasonable. Redrawing boarders to create a new homeland however, inevitably means someone gets trampled on. Cue the Palestinians.
I have no real opinion on whether the Jews are the rightful owners of Jerusalem and all that nonsense. All I know is man's intolerance for differing religious beliefs never fails to amaze me.
I was watching the BBC's documentary on the history of the Jews the other week. It talked about how before Hitler's regime had even reached Lithuania most of it's Jewish population had been herded into their Synagogues. Locked in there and left to the perils of starvation and eventual death. Unable to even dispose of the bodies of the dead. Horrific, right?
This just left me, aside from with a slight lump in my throat, wandering after such turmoil how can one cause another group of people such grief? They have been in their shoes as it were.
I'll let Bob Dylan say the rest:
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