Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Home and the sun is shining!

Debra & I at Liverpool Docks
I am still wearing shorts and I am in England.  I am impressed.  It's a nice welcome home.   Everything is pretty much the same here, as I expected.  Back at Ein Hashlosha all my fellow volunteers have been evacuted to a kibbutz in the north or down in Eilat.  I have been following the conflict closely on the BBC and Times of Israel and feeling relieved that I left when I did. 

 I have just finished an application for a  job at a local garden centre so I am allowing myself to blog again.  A fair amount has been happening in my first week home.

I managed to catch up with Debra in Liverpool, the very first volunteer I met on the kibbutz, before she makes Aliyah (becomes an Israeli citizen).  We had a good catch up over a pub lunch and a nice wander around Liverpool.  She has now in Jerusalem and about to start learning Hebrew.  Good luck Debra!

On Saturday my best friend organized a BBQ with friends and with pork being the only meat on the menu!  To celebrate being home from the land of Kosher food.  Her slow cooked pulled pork was the best with homemade coleslaw, and the delicious sausages.  Thanks to Sam and everyone else who came along for the feast and fun.

Amazingly I still had room for a bacon sandwich for lunch on Sunday.   There is nothing quite like the taste of bacon even when you think you couldn't possibly eat anymore pork.

My aunt and uncle also stopped by to say hello on Friday afternoon. Unlike my previous ventures away I didn't have to spend ages explaining what I had been up to, all the while wandering if I'm just talking to much, as they had been following everything on here!  Not that everything makes it to a world wide web audience but it does make returning home simpler. 

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