Kibbutz lliterally means group in Hebrew. They were set up originally by Zionist group's at
Chilling on Sabbath day with the Beatles |
Even after Economics degree that practically preached bow down before the Lord that is capitalism, I am still convinced there is something better out there. And you know what? A world with out competition is great! The people here don't seem stressed, everyone just gets on with their own contribution to the communities economy, mainly agriculture here, and life is chilled. There is no locks on the door of our house, for example, or on the bicycles. The feeling of trust is nice. When the kibbutz members get old and can't work any longer the kibbutz looks after them. Everyone here gets a wage of about £1,750 a month so 21,000 a year not bad going huh?
Well that is everyone but the volunteers. We get a 10th of this. I'm not really objecting, as it make sense we are only here on a short term basis and its enough to live comfortably on the kibbutz. What does mystify me is that in the shop I have to put 2 prices on everything. One for the kibbutz members one for the volunteers. Guess who gets the high price? Us volunteers! Maybe I will try asking someone for an explanation at some point to try understand why this is but on the face of it, it doesn't seem so fair.
We aren't equal with the rest of the kibbutz and there is some stigma attached to being a volunteer due to our tendency to drink and such but I am enjoying it none the less! There is certainly equality between volunteers. We all get the same wage whether you are doing back breaking work in the field or drinking coffee and stacking shelves in the Cobal ( what the shop is called). It might not quite be living the dream but it's close enough!
After this: Israel shoots down rocket fired from Gaza strip hitting the news yesterday, I found out that the volunteers are the first ones to be evacuated if things get serious. Before woman and children for diplomatic reasons. A volunteer getting killed is not good press for Israel so mum (and anyone else who might be worried) I wasn't kidding when I said they are well prepared out here for anything if should happen.
One last thing on a more light hearted note.. I have been chatted up by all 3 of the delivery guys who look under the age of 30 at work. I am wondering if they have a bet running. One of them doesn't speak any English and had to get my colleague to translate! Kinda funny.
Haha, Glad your well looked after, that will ease your mum's mind ( and mine!!). 3 to choose eh, your lucky!! Will be intriguing why you pay more, possibly as your all helpimg their economy!! take care xx