Friday, 1 November 2013

Forget trick or teat and horror movies, try helicopters and gun fire for Halloween!

Last night was seriously the scariest Halloween of my life. Israel blew up the tunnel that was on the news a while back, where Hamas were supposedly trying to target the kibbutz kindergarten but it is actually about 3km away from the kibbutz parameters. All this meant the Israelis crossed the boarder last night and Gaza kicked off about it. 

Around 11 I was out walking with Debra and Garam who are my room mates and we heard the the bangs as they blew up the tunnel. This was fine we had been told in advance that it was going to be happening but there were loads of helicopters circling over head too.
Keep calm. Look at the cute kittens!
Probably to patrol the boarder. 

Anyway about 5 mins after we get back to the house. We hear shots, they are going of in quick succession like a rifle firing a round and a helicopter flies so close it sounds like it's right on top of us.  By this point I had run into the bunker with a few other people in the house and was freaking out a bit.

It didn't take for things to die down again mind and after a visit from one of the kibbutz members to calm everyone down everyone went off to bed. Everyone was fine and it all went quiet.

On the radio at work today we hear that 5 Israeli soldiers were injured and one was killed last night. I can't really describe how it feels to be so close to an active army base. But I quite often eat lunch with a few soldiers. Definitely going to be something I remember about living here.

Earlier on the day I also had my worst morning at work. It was Debra and Adru's leaving party the night before (two of the people I get on best with in the house) so yes it was another one of those hungover mornings. Unfortunately my normal tasks changed slightly. I spent about an hour and a half shovelling rotting garbage! This is not something normally expected of the Cobal staff and it was kinda my own doing that landed me the ordeal in the first place...

As we have already established in this blog I can be a bit of a numpty at times. In light of this it may not surprise you to know that on my first few days of working inn the Cobal I was putting garbage in the wrong place, until Marcello, my boss picked up on it. 

Cardboard bins outside the Cobal
I knew I had to separate the rubbish from the cardboard boxes so I was putting all rubbish in the green gated container and all cardboard in the obvious cardboard filled trailer. As you can see on the picture. Turns out they are both for cardboard. The rotting vegetables go in the wheely bin across the road. Doh! 

That wasn't too pleasant but my boss was very nice. After I'd finished he told me I was 'number one' and let me pick out one of the pastries from the shop for breakfast. Yum. So my day got better and then scary. In contrast today has seen very mundane but it's Friday so time for drinking and dancing in Mafia! Beer o'clock! 

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